Let’s kickstart our brand new year with a Bang by running for a good cause and Empower our Heroes of Tomorrow

Event Details

**UPDATE....Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we are sorry to inform that Yayasan Chow Kit's virtual run will be postponed to January 2020! We apologize for any inconvinience caused. With the upcoming New Year, let’s make a Resolution to start the year healthy and to contribute back to society! Do join us for our run and support our little Heroes of Tomorrow!

Your participation will contribute to:

  1. Your participation will empower our children to create their desired future.
  2. The advocacy of marginalized children and help them grow and thrive in a safe environment
  3. You can help raise funds to support the education of marginalized children in Malaysia
  4. You are not just participating in a run; you are using your strength and resources to create a difference in the lives of children who needed help.
  5. You will help spread the message that every child matter.



To raise funds and awareness to support the education and marginalized children of Kuala Lumpur.


Why you should join this run?

Run concept and why you should join: 

  1. This is a virtual run, where you can participate and run anywhere in the world.
  2. You can team up with friends and families to form a team or you can participate as an individual and integrate the run as a part of your healthy lifestyle. 
  3. Every individual is required to log in and run everyday of the month in order to complete the participation and receive a participation pack and medal. 
  4. Track your run using a GPS-tracking running app and submit your tracking result to BiiB. BiiB will do periodic checks on the submissions. Your tracking must include:
    • GPS tracking map
    • Run distance
    • Time and date
    • Running pace
  5. BiiB will regularly update the tracking progress and rank each team and individual based on the accumulated running distance.
  6. Prizes are awarded to the top three teams and individuals with the most accumulated running distance.
  7. We encourage you to share your run on social media as well to raise awareness on the cause "Empowering our Heroes of Tomorrow"


Run Details:

Registration Deadline: 1st January 2020

Run Period: 1st - 31st January 2020

Last Submission of tracking result: 31st January 2020, Friday (23:59) Malaysian Time

Minimum Distance to Qualify as Finisher: 30 Kilometers in 31 Days

Special Prizes: Top 3 Team Category and Individual Category




RM60.00 per pax (including medal, t-shirt and e-certificate). Price is inclusive of domestic shipping fee. 








Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the reason my BiiB+ app is not tracking my run properly?

A1. It happens to some Android devices' battery optimization process and could be fixed by following these simple steps;

Click "Option" (the 3 dots at the bottom right corner of BiiB+ app) > "Check Device" > Select your phone brand > Follow the displayed instructions.

Other than that, GPS signal might also get affected by the environment when there are tall buildings/mountains or roofed area blocking the signal. You can also use our Strava integration feature to link up with your Garmin, Suunto and other run tracking applications.


Q2. How to submit my result if I am using third party app?

A2. You can link up BiiB with Strava from getbiib.com/me or a manual submission of screenshot after log into our runner dashboard is required.



Q3. How to submit my result if I am using BiiB+ app?

A3. If you're signing in using the registered email address, all your activities tracked between the event period will be automatically synced with the team/individual progress of the challenge. Make sure you have an active internet connection to sync the activity.



Q4. When is the last day to submit the result? Do I need to submit the result daily?

A4. Last day for result submission is on 31st January 2020, Friday (23:59) Malaysian Time. It is recommended to submit your result as soon as you complete your run.


Q5. Can I collect mileage on treadmill?

A5. Yes you can. A manual submission is required. Follow the instruction in A2 for submission.


Q6. Is it limited to outdoor run only?

A6. No. You can run either outdoor (must be GPS tracked) or indoor using treadmill. A step counter result is not acceptable.

Note: BiiB+ app can only track outdoor run due to gps limitations.


Q7. Is walking counted?

A7. Of course! The aim of this event is to motivate participants to stay active. It doesn't matter whether you're fast or slow.


Q8. If I join after the event started, will my mileage collected before the joining date counted?

A8. No. Tracking results after registration only is accepted. Manual submission is required if the activities are tracked using third party tracker.


Q9. How does the system track the team mileage and how often is the system updated?

A9. System is built to add up all the mileage logged by the team member right after the success sync (LIVE). The mileage display will update as soon as someone in the team has finish a run/walk with a successful sync or submission. You can view it either in BiiB+ App, under event (second tab from the left) or via personal running dashboard at getBiiB.com/me


Q10. Who is eligible to participate in this event?

A10. This event is open to everyone, inside or outside Malaysia


Q11. Can I run outside of Malaysia?

A11. Yes you can, however we only provide free shipping services to Malaysia addresses.


Q12. What if I want my reward to be shipped to a oversea address?

A12. Additional shipping charges is required at RM16 (via separate payment link HERE). Shipment will be arranged after the successful payment for oversea shipping charges.


Q13. When will the reward reaches me?

A13. Whichever the case, we will deliver the finisher items to all our Finishers within 7 working days from the event closing date.


Q14. If I decide to not run, can I get a refund?

A14. Participation Fee is NOT refundable.


Q15. Can I still get the reward if I did not finish the challenge?

A15. Reward is only for who finish a minimum 30km within the race period. However, you can write to us with a valid reason for appeal  at [email protected]


Q16. Can I request to send my finisher item to someone else?

A16. Yes you can. Do drop us an email at [email protected] and we will arrange it for you.


Q17. Why don't I receive any information from BiiB?

A17. Please check your email or spam mail folder for our email after successful registration. Announcement and update will be informed through email.


Contact Us

For more enquiries on this event, please contact [email protected]

For technical issue with registration, please contact [email protected]